Small product batch
For the teacher
Gather the materials in advance by conducting a collecting campaign or purchasing the materials from second-hand stores. For example, you can use old wedding dresses or jeans, leftovers from a company or unsold products.
Small product batch
- Design and manufacture a small product batch using the materials provided.
- Examine the materials and sort them by colour and material.
- Design (drawing inspiration from a game, such as chess or baseball) a product that does not need to be tried on, such as a bag or pouch.
- Examine the materials and come up with a detail or shape that is interesting.
- Carry out experiments and make a prototype.
- Develop the product’s details, shape, size and properties further.
- Plan the manufacturing process for the product batch.
- Make a batch of at least five products.
- Calculate a price for the products.
- Evaluate which aspects went well and what you could have done differently.
- Document the process.