Commercialising products

Branding and commercialisation of a circular economy product contribute to the dissemination of the circular economy ideology and the offering of sustainable alternatives to consumers. cooperates with Economy and Youth (TAT) and offers an online learning environment for teachers and students.

The Kiertoon project cooperates with Economy and Youth (TAT). In this section, the project provides a link to the customised business courses offered by TAT in its online learning environment. Some of the tasks are intended for the textile and fashion industry.

The learning environment is intended for teachers and students in upper secondary education. The online learning environment operates on the Claned platform, which requires registration. We recommend that you use Google Chrome or a similar browser, rather than Internet Explorer.

Link to the section ‘Skills for working life and entrepreneurship, Helsinki Vocational College’ on the TAT website

Skills for working life and entrepreneurship, Helsinki Vocational College

When you want to add students to the course template, they must first log into the platform via the following link: student login (by logging in through this link, they will see two course templates on their homepage: sales, marketing and commercialisation as well as skills for working life and entrepreneurship). 

See our website for video instructions on logging in: instructions for teachers

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